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  • At a meeting with product managers in early 2010, according to one who was present, she said she didn't realize the majority of Yahoo's space for graphical ads resided in its communications services, namely, Yahoo Mail.

    Yahoo Ousts Bartz as CEO Amir Efrati 2011

  • It's a small but interesting update to Yahoo Mail, which is the most widely used Web e-mail service in the world,

    Medlogs - Recent stories 2010

  • Millions of people rely on Web-based services such as Yahoo Mail and Facebook.

    Techworld Australia News 2009

  • Likewise, sites such as Yahoo Mail use SSL for submitting the login password, but then provide a session cookie over plain HTTP.

    root labs rdist 2009

  • Over-the-air e-mail from Web-based messaging providers such as Yahoo Mail, Hotmail, and others is also an option.

    InformationWeek - All Stories And Blogs 2009

  • Other services, such as Yahoo Mail and Flickr, offer far greater storage capacity, and the use of Briefcase has fallen in recent years, the company said.

    Latest from Computerworld 2009

  • The E75 is an enterprise-focused device, and so there's support for Mail for Microsoft Exchange and IBM Lotus Notes Traveler, but the same account can also host accounts from consumer services such as Yahoo Mail, Google Gmail and Microsoft Windows Live Hotmail.

    eWeek - RSS Feeds 2009

  • If you combine that with the fact that many users now keep their personal e-mail and files in Web-based systems such as Yahoo Mail and Google Docs, you have a situation in which the average user spends most of her computer time in a Web browser.

    LXer Linux News Jason Hiner 2009

  • These days, malware makers and spammers regularly trick the CAPTCHA systems at big-name Web sites such as Yahoo Mail, Gmail and Craigslist, and use these sites to automate their attacks.

    ACM TechNews 2009

  • Web-based clients such as Yahoo Mail, Gmail, AOL, and MobileMe also include BCC options.

    Macworld 2009


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